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        • Team as a Service

          Under Attrecto’s Team as a Service offering, clients get quick access to a cohesive team of cross-platform developers, UI/UX designers, QA professionals and support engineers

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        • Project Based Development

          Developing user-friendly and intuitive apps and web interfaces that are truly enjoyed by people for their quality, look, feel, colors and functionality – not just merely “used.”

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        • Pre-Development Planning

          Get a comprehensive technology and/or UX/CX review on your project through our pre-development workshop. Business value in just 48 hrs with a Deloitte fast 50 company!

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Reimagine your business!

We help you building it.

Attrecto approach

At Attrecto we believe in holistic solutions and in lasting change. We offer a structured, consultative approach to arrive from ideas to more advanced ways of working.

Start with “why?”

Our innovation expert team is here to work with you in identifying the true causes and costumer needs to develop the best digital solution for your business needs


Structured workshops to understand and learn about the latest technologies, grow and refine ideas


Idea validation through analyzing your strategic ambitions, markets and processes

Prove fast

Early prototype to see how the future solution will look like


Product development



Android, iOS

The Mitt Telenor application is the official client-application of Telenor Norway with more than 600.000 monthly users and 400.000 daily page views.
The application covers several customer service activities and also serves as a key marketing platform and a flagship tool in Telenor's digital presence.

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Project based Custom Development

Developing user-friendly and intuitive apps and web interfaces that are truly enjoyed by people for their quality, look, feel, colors and functionality – not just merely “used.”

Pre-development planning

Get a comprehensive technology and/or UX/CX review on your project through our pre-development workshop. Business value in just 48 hrs with a Deloitte fast 50 company!

Team as a service

Under Attrecto’s Team as a Service offering, clients get quick access to a cohesive team of cross-platform developers, UI/UX designers, QA professionals and support engineers

Succesful projects
Test devices
Cups of coffee
Bananas eaten

Understand and utilize the latest technologies
to improve your performance and offering.

Are you ready?
Let's discuss it!

Corvin Atrium

1082 Budapest, Corvin sétány 8., Hungary


1061 Budapest, Király str 26., Hungary

Leier City Center

9024 Győr, Wesselényi street 6., Hungary 
